
Robocopy /XO

Robocopy /xo


The Robocopy /xo command excludes files older than the source file, ensuring only newer files are copied from the source directory to the destination.

Key Points

– Purpose: Exclude files older than the specified date

– Syntax: robocopy <Source> <Destination> /xo

– Excludes files older than their source counterparts

– Files in the destination directory remain unchanged if newer than source files

– Files with different timestamps are overwritten by source files


robocopy C:\Source C:\Destination /xo

Additional Options

– /mov – Moves files instead of copying

– /minage:n – Includes files based on minimum file age (days)

– /maxage:n – Includes files based on maximum file age (days)

– /minlad:n – Includes files based on minimum last access date (days)

– /maxlad:n – Includes files based on maximum last access date (days)

– /xoy – Excludes files with the same timestamp

– /xo – Excludes files with the same size

Best Practices

– Verify source and destination paths

– Use additional options as needed

– Test commands with /l option to simulate without actual copying

– Document commands for future reference

Summary of Robocopy /xo

The Robocopy /xo command is a useful option for synchronizing files between directories, ensuring only the newest files are copied. By excluding older files, /xo streamlines the copying process and prevents unnecessary overwrites. Use this command to efficiently manage file transfers and maintain up-to-date files.


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