
How to use robocopy to copy files

Robocopy (Robust File Copy) is a command-line utility in Windows that enables efficient and flexible file copying. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use Robocopy:

Basic Syntax

robocopy <source> <destination> [<filemask>] [<options>]

Common Options

– /S – Copy subdirectories (including empty ones)
– /E – Copy subdirectories (including empty ones) and files
– /MOV – Move files instead of copying
– /MINLAD:<age>- Minimum file age (in days) for copying
– /MAXLAD:<age>- Maximum file age (in days) for copying
– /MINAGE:<date>- Minimum file date for copying
– /MAXAGE:<date> – Maximum file date for copying
– /R:<n> – Number of retries
– /W:<n> – Wait time (in seconds) between retries
– /LOG:<file> – Log file path
– /FP – Include full path in log
– /V – Verbose output


1. Copy all files from C:\Source to D:\Destination:

robocopy C:\Source D:\Destination /S

1. Copy only files with .txt extension from C:\Source to D:\Destination :

robocopy C:\Source D:\Destination *.txt /S

1. Move all files from C:\Source to D:\Destination :

robocopy C:\Source D:\Destination /MOV /S

1. Copy files modified within the last 7 days from C:\Source to D:\Destination :

robocopy C:\Source D:\Destination /MINLAD:7 /S

1. Copy files with specific names (e.g., file1.txt, file2.doc) from C:\Source to D:\Destination :

robocopy C:\Source D:\Destination file1.txt file2.doc /S

Advanced Options

– /XF <filemask> – Exclude files matching the specified mask
– /XD <directorymask> – Exclude directories matching the specified mask
– /IA – Include hidden and system files
– /B – Backup mode (override file permissions)

Common Error Messages

– ERROR 1 – Invalid parameter
– ERROR 2 – File not found
– ERROR 3 – System cannot find the path specified

Best Practices

– Use /LOG option to track copy operations
– Verify file integrity with /CHECKSUM option
– Use /R and /W options to handle network errors
– Test Robocopy commands in a non-production environment

Robocopy is a powerful tool for file copying and management. By mastering its options and syntax, you can streamline your file transfer tasks.

Would you like to explore:

1. More Robocopy options and examples
2. PowerShell scripting for file management
3. File backup and recovery strategies
4. Other (please specify)


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