
Fully Automated Nagios Add Host Using Web Console

Fully Automated Nagios Monitoring platform is ready now to monitor your first servers or network equipment . It is simple to start monitoring.
First Step : Need to Login into Centreon Web Console With Administrative Credentials.
For Example: 
                      Username  : nagios
                      Password   : nagios
Fully Automated Nagios
Figure: Fully Automated Nagios

Go to the Configuration > Hosts 

Fully Automated Nagios Add Host
                                                         Figure: Fully Automated Nagios Add Host


 >Go to  Hosts menu and click on Add button:
                         Fully Automated Nagios Add Host
Figure :   Fully Automated Nagios Add Host


Host Configuration :

 Fully Automated Nagios Add Host
Figure : Fully Automated Nagios Add Host
Compulsory Field:
Host Name:
IP Address:
Host Check Properties :
Define , Check Period,Check Command and Args (Arguments)
Check period you can choose 24×7 or whatever your workinghours.
In check command field you can choose whatever you need to check or monitor for that host.
Like CPU Command for Monitoring CPU Utilization
Memory Command for RAM/Memory Utilization and same like for Disk Utilization.
I will give you example below to understand clearly.
If you want to monitor CPU utilization of
IP Address: X.X.X.X
Check Period: 24×7
Check Command: Check_Centreon_CPU ( To understand command definition go through below definition)
(Definition below is only for understanding purpose)
Note: All arguments are not compulsory
Fully Automated Nagios Add Host
Figure : Fully Automated Nagios Add Host


Args: !1!$USER2$!80!90 (Default Value, It shows -w for warning level=80 and -c for critical level=90


Fully Automated Nagios Add Host
Figure : Fully Automated Nagios Add Host


By default Active Check Enabled.
In case of some scenario if you want to disable Active Check then you can choose = No
Passive check by default = Disabled,
You can enable it if require, If passive check is disabled
then you can not submit result manually.
Notification Enabled : Select Default
( By default notification is enabled)
Linked Contacts : Define one linked contacts ,
For example ” supervisor “
Notification Interval :
You say “0” x 60 Seconds
Notification Period : 24×7
Notification Options : Select as per your requirement
[ √ ]Down  [ √ ]Unreachable   [ √ ]Recovery   [ √ ]Flapping   [ √ ]Downtime Scheduled
First Notification Delay :
You can Select “0” x 60 Seconds
Basic configuration is over. By providing this much of information you can monitor your object.
Let’s move to more advance configuration.
Now Second Tab : Relation
In this section there is a four options,
1.Parent Host Groups
2.Parent Host Categories
3.Parent Host
4.Child Host
You can define any or all as per your requirement
you can configure value in 3rd and 4th Tab as per your requirement or choose default values.

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