
Leahy hails passage of Inflation Reduction Act

Statement Of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), President Pro Tempore, On Passage Of The Inflation Reduction Act

“The Senate’s historic vote today represents a stark choice between two divergent views. The first, that we must do all we can to help American families, our seniors, and our economy.  The second, that we should ignore the soaring costs of healthcare – and of particular prescription drugs – and the existential threats of climate change.  The choice could not be clearer, and yet it is mired in partisan politics.Leahy hails passage of Inflation Reduction Act

“Today the Senate advanced a once-in-a-generation bill to meaningfully address the real threats of climate change.  It addresses the exorbitant price of prescription drugs.  And, despite claims to the contrary, it is poised to reduce the deficit.  Does this bill address every crisis facing our country?  No.  Does it take substantial steps forward in meeting the greatest threat to future generations in climate change?  Yes.

Leahy hails passage of Inflation Reduction Act

“Vermonters, and the American people, are tired of hearing ‘no, we can’t.’  Families today face real problems, real concerns, real questions.  In a democracy, the people govern.  And Vermonters, and the American people, want their government to work for them, not a government that remains gridlocked.  They want their government to be willing to face the real problems before us, not one that fails to address them.  They want a government that works, where positive change happens, steadily.  To do nothing means maintaining the status quo, rather than standing up to meet the real, and pressing, needs of American families today.Leahy hails passage of Inflation Reduction Act

“After a month away, I was proud to return to the United States Senate this weekend and cast many votes in support of the Inflation Reduction Act, and to vote for final passage.  It is time to say yes, and actually do something essential for the American people.  The time for speeches, pontificating, and showmanship is over.  It is time for action.  The Inflation Reduction Act is real action.  And action that is long overdue.”


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