
windows script to check Server Uptime


Ever wanted a simple HTML report showing you the UP/DOWN status of your servers?

And for a little extra flavor how long that server has been up for?

Some basic disk information?

1. Download the script to your favorite location and name it Uptime.ps1

2. Open a Powershell prompt and type: Get-Help pathtoscript\Uptime.ps1 –Full

3. Edit PARAM section so that variables match your environment.

4. Edit $Key variable with random numbers, this is your encryption key.

5. Run it manually once, if you are using alternative credentials script will prompt you for password and save those credentials to a file.

To run as a scheduled task:

1. Create the scheduled task and set your trigger (hourly?)
2. For action the Executable should be Powershell.exe
3. For Arguments use: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File pathtoscript\Uptime.ps1


Source Code

This script has not been checked by Dlightdaily. Please understand the risks before using it.


     Simple HTML report generator for UP/DOWN status of servers.
     Create a simple UP/DOWN report, with length of uptime report in a simple HTML
     report.  Also includes a “lowest” disk alert, showing you whichever disk has the
     lowest amount of disk space and how much that is (bar graph).  There is also
     a detailed disk report you can click on to view.
     Will accept an secondary credential and use that to gather information.  The
     username and password are stored in an encrypted file in the path you designate.
     Since this script is intended to be run from a scheduled task, it is important
     to modify the PARAM section to suit your needs. 
     How to Run:
     Make sure to run the script once on the server you intend to run the scheduled
     task.  The script will prompt for the specified credential password on the first
     run (or any time you change the credential username).  After that first run it
     will run without prompting.
     *** IMPORTANT ***
     Required:  Modify the $Key variable (line 74) to get unique encryption on your
     Will accept a comma seperated array of server names and if not specified default
     to load the server names from a text file.  Make sure to edit the Param section
     to fit your environment.  Will also accept object input from Get-ADComputer.
.PARAMETER AlertThreshold
     A number representing the % that free space has to go below to trigger an alert
     (changing the display to red).
     The output path and file name for the HTML report.  Make sure to edit the Param
     section to fit your environment.
.PARAMETER Credential
     Specify the alternative credential
     Path where the script will store the encrypted password file.
     Produces the report based on the servers in C:\utils\servers.txt and will save the
     report at c:\utils\uptime.html
     .\Uptime.ps1 -Servers server1,server2,server3 -path \\webserver\share\uptimereport.html
     Will create the uptime report for servers 1,2 and 3 and save the report at
     .\Uptime.ps1 -Servers server1,server2,server3 -AlertThreshold 25
     Will create the uptime report for servers 1,2 and 3 and if the lowest disk free percentage
     is below 25% it will show up in red.
     Author:        Martin Pugh
     Twitter:       @TheSurlyAdm1n
     Spiceworks:    Martin9700
     Blog:          www.thesurlyadmin.com
         1.7        Added the ability to use alternative credentials.  Added quite a bit of error
                    handling and verbose output (if wanted).  Added the ability for the script to
                    accept pipeline input from Get-ADComputer as well as other pipeline items.
         1.6        Added remaining disk information in a more detailed report below the primary
                    status table.  Click on the “Show Disk Detail Report” link to display the detailed
         1.5        Added the “Lowest Disk Status” column.  The script will now look at all disk
                    volumes and report on the one with the lowest free disk space.  It will so the free
                    space as a percentage of the total.  By default if that percentage drops below 10%
                    it will “alert” and show that percentage in red.  This setting is configurable
                    using the -AlertThreshold parameter.
         1.0        Initial release
Param (
     [string[]]$Name = (Get-Content “c:\utils\servers.txt”),
     [int]$AlertThreshold = 10,
     [string]$Path = “c:\utils\uptime.html”,
     [string]$Credential = “surly\administrator”,
     [string]$PathToCred = “c:\utils”

Begin {
     Function Get-Credentials {
         Param (
             [String]$AuthUser = $env:USERNAME
         $Key = [byte]29,36,18,74,72,75,85,52,73,44,0,21,98,76,99,28
         #Build the path to the credential file
         $CredFile = $AuthUser.Replace(“\”,”~”)
         $File = $PathToCred + “\Credentials-$CredFile.crd”
         #And find out if it’s there, if not create it
         If (-not (Test-Path $File))
         {    (Get-Credential $AuthUser).Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $Key | Set-Content $File
         #Load the credential file
         $Password = Get-Content $File | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $Key
         $AuthUser = (Split-Path $File -Leaf).Substring(12).Replace(“~”,”\”)
         $AuthUser = $AuthUser.Substring(0,$AuthUser.Length – 4)
         $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($AuthUser,$Password)
         Return $Credential

    Write-Verbose “$(Get-Date): Script begins!”

    #Define static HTML
     $HeaderHTML = @”
<style type=’text/css’>
body { background-color:#DCDCDC;
table { border:1px solid gray;
   font:normal 12px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
   border-collapse: collapse;
th { color:black;
   border: 1px solid black;
   font:normal 16px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
   background-color: #6495ED;
td.up { background-color:#32CD32;
   border: 1px solid black;
td.down { background-color:#B22222;
   border: 1px solid black;
td { border: 1px solid black;
div.red { background-color:#B22222;
div.green { background-color:#32CD32;
div.free { background-color:#7FFF00;
a.detail { cursor:pointer;
<script type=’text/javascript’>
     document.getElementById(“ShowHideLink”).innerHTML=”<h6>Show Disk Detail Report</h6>”
function ShowHide() {
     if (document.getElementById(“diskdetail”).style.visibility==”visible”)
         document.getElementById(“ShowHideLink”).innerHTML=”<h6>Show Disk Detail Report</h6>”
         document.getElementById(“ShowHideLink”).innerHTML=”<h6>Hide Disk Detail Report</h6>”
<h1>Server Uptime Status Report</h1>
<table class=”Main”>
<tr><th style=”width:175px;”>Server Name</th><th style=”width:125px;”>Status</th><th style=”width:475px;”>Lowest Disk Status</th></tr>


    $DiskDetailHeaderHTML = @”
<a id=”ShowHideLink” class=”detail” onClick=”ShowHide()”></a>
<div id=”diskdetail”>
<h1>Disk Detail Report</h1><p>


    $FooterHTML = @”

    $AllComputers = @()

Process {
     #Gather all computer names before processing
     ForEach ($Computer in $Name)
     {   $AllComputers += $Computer

End {
     #Sort the servers by name, then start getting information
     Write-Verbose “Sort server names and gather Credential information”
     $Name = $Name | Sort
     $DiskData = @()

    If ($Credential)
     {   $Cred = Get-Credentials $Credential

    ForEach ($Computer in $AllComputers)
     {    Write-Verbose “Testing $Computer…”
         $ErrorReport = $null
         If (Test-Connection $Computer -Quiet)
         {    #Set parameters for splat, determine if checking local
             $CredParameter = @{
                 ComputerName = $Computer
                 ErrorAction = “Stop”
             If ($Computer.ToUpper() -notlike “*$($env:COMPUTERNAME.ToUpper())*” -and $Cred)
             {   $CredParameter.Add(“Credential”,$Cred)
             #Get uptime information
             Try {
                 $WMI = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem @CredParameter
                 If ($WMI)
                 {    $Uptime = New-TimeSpan -Start $($WMI.ConvertToDateTime($WMI.LastBootUpTime)) -End (Get-Date)
                     $UpText = “<td class=””up””>$($Uptime.Days)d, $($Uptime.Hours)h, $($Uptime.Minutes)m</td>”
                 {    $UpText = “<td class=””up””>Up</td>”
                 #Get disk information and pretty up the data
                 $Disks = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter “DriveType=3” @CredParameter | Select `
                     @{LABEL=”Size”;EXPRESSION={[int](“{0:N0}” -f ($_.Size/1gb))}},
                     @{LABEL=”FreeSize”;EXPRESSION={[int](“{0:N0}” -f ($_.FreeSpace/1gb))}},
                     @{LABEL=”perUsed”;EXPRESSION={[int](“{0:N0}” -f ((($_.Size – $_.FreeSpace)/$_.Size)*100))}},
                     @{LABEL=”perFree”;EXPRESSION={[int](“{0:N0}” -f (100-(($_.Size – $_.FreeSpace)/$_.Size)*100))}},
                 $DiskData += $Disks
             Catch {
                 Write-Verbose “Error encountered gathering information for $Computer”
                 $ErrorReport = $Error[0]
                 $Error.Clear | Out-Null
             #Create the simple Status table
             If ($ErrorReport)
             {   $UpText = “<td class=””down””>WMI Error</td>”
                 $DiskHTML = “<div class=””red””>$($Error[0])</div>”
             ElseIf ($Disks)
             {    $LowDisk = $Disks | Sort FreeSize | Select -First 1
                 If ($LowDisk.perFree -le $AlertThreshold)
                    {    $FreeClass = “red”
                 {    $FreeClass = “free”
                 $DiskHTML = “<div class=””green”” style=””width:$($LowDisk.perUsed)%””>$($LowDisk.DriveLetter) $($LowDisk.Size)gb ($($LowDisk.perUsed)% used)</div><div class=””$FreeClass”” style=””width:$($LowDisk.perFree)%””>$($LowDisk.FreeSize)gb free ($($LowDisk.perFree)%)</div>`n”
             {    $DiskHTML = “”
             $DetailHTML += “<tr><td>$Computer</td>$UpText<td>$DiskHTML</td></tr>`n”
         {    $DetailHTML += “<tr><td>$Computer</td><td class=””down””>DOWN</td><td class=””down””></td></tr>`n”

    #Disk Details Report
     Write-Verbose “WMI data gathered, making the report”
     $Servers = $DiskData | Select Server -Unique
     ForEach ($Server in $Servers)
     {    $Server = $Server.Server
         $DiskDetailHTML += “<h3>$Server</h3>”
         $DiskDetailHTML += “<table>”
         $DiskDetailHTML += “<tr><th>Drive Letter</th><th>Volume Name</th><th>Total Disk Space</th><th>Used</th><th>Free</th><th style=””width:350px;””>Usage</th></tr>`n”
         $Disks = $DiskData | Where { $_.Server -eq $Server } | Sort DriveLetter
         ForEach ($Disk in $Disks)
         {    $DiskDetailHTML += “<tr><td>$($Disk.DriveLetter)</td><td>$($Disk.VolumeName)</td><td>$($Disk.Size)gb</td><td>$($Disk.Size – $Disk.FreeSize)gb</td><td>$($Disk.FreeSize)gb</td>”
             If ($Disk.perFree -le $AlertThreshold)
             {    $FreeClass = “red”
             {    $FreeClass = “free”
             $DiskDetailHTML += “<td><div class=””green”” style=””width:$($Disk.perUsed)%””> </div><div class=””$FreeClass”” style=””width:$($Disk.perFree)%””>$($Disk.perFree)%</div></td></tr>`n”
         $DiskDetailHTML += “</table><br>`n”

    #Combine all the HTML fragments and save to a file
     $HTML = $HeaderHTML + $DetailHTML + $DiskDetailHeaderHTML + $DiskDetailHTML + $FooterHTML
     $HTML | Out-File $Path

    Write-Verbose “$(Get-Date): Script completed!”


Found on Spiceworks: https://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/1641-simple-server-status-report?utm_source=copy_paste&utm_campaign=growth


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