This feature is available since FAN 2.1. A distributed architecture is based on :
- 1 central monitoring servers
- 1 database server
- and several pollers monitors.
The central server consolidates all monitoring data and offers a user interface which also offers the possibility to monitor and manage the central server and the poller monitors.
The poller monitors send their check results to the database server. This type of setup permits distribution of checks – for any type of reason f.e. remote locations, DMZ, etc.
You need install minimun 2 FAN servers :
- fan-database
- fan-central, it may also be considered as fan-poller
But, we recommend to install 3 FAN servers :
- fan-database
- fan-central
- fan-poller
Fully Automated Nagios Distributed Monitoring Configuration
Boot your image from CD or Boot from ISO Image (Download Fully Automated Nagios ISO)
To install FAN central
select : fan-central
To install FAN poller
select: fan-poller
To install FAN database
select: fan-database
Permit root login by ssh
We need to temporarily allow root to login via ssh on fan poller and database.
Connect to fan-poller and modify this file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin yes
Restart sshd service
# service sshd restart
Make the same operation on fan-database.
Configure FAN central
Connect to fan-central and run system-config-distributed-monitoring script
First configure acces fan-central to fan-database and answer questions
# system-config-distributed-monitoring Choose an action to do (addpoller or configdatabase):configdatabase Give me the IP address of database server : Give me the root password of database server : What's the IP address of fan-central (default :[enter] <== Modify if necessary [INFO] You must enable root user to login by ssh to database server "" by ssh. If this is not the case, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config on database server and add "PermitRootLogin yes" Do you want continu ? [y/n], default to [n]:y Stopping ndo2db: done. Starting ndo2db: done. Stopping Centcore Waiting for centcore to exit . done. Starting Centcore Stopping centreon data collector Collector : centstorage Waiting for centstorage to exit . done. Starting centstorage Collector : centstorage
Check Centreon on fan-central :
- Connect to http://fan-central/centreon/
- and try to login to nagiosadmin/nagiosadmin
Second add poller fan-poller into fan-central
# system-config-distributed-monitoring Choose an action to do (addpoller or configdatabase):addpoller Give me the new Poller Name ? (no space) :fan-poller <== Add a description Give me the IP address of "fan-poller" : <== Add the ip address Give me the root password of "fan-poller" : What's the IP address of fan-central (default :[enter] <== Modify if necessary [INFO] You must enable root user to login by ssh to "fan-poller" by ssh. If this is not the case, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config on "fan-poller" and add "PermitRootLogin yes" Do you want continu ? [y/n], default to [n]:y Check if nagios user has a ssh key Nagios user has a ssh key Create a random password for nagios user on "fan-poller" Copy ssh key to poller "fan-poller" Add configuration poller in to centreon database Stopping Centcore Waiting for centcore to exit . done. Starting Centcore
Disable root login by ssh
Connect to fan-poller and modify this file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no
Restart sshd service
# service sshd restart
Make the same operation on fan-database.
Add a new poller
If you want to add a new poller :
- Install a FAN poller
- Permit root login by ssh
- Run configure_distributed_monitoring script
# system-config-distributed-monitoring addpoller
- Disable root login
On centreon 2.4.X, you may need to configure resources. Go to Configuration>Monitoring Engines>resources
Modify resources and link it on your poller.
Delete a poller
If you want to delete a poller,
Go to Centreon webui.
- Delete Administration>Configuration>Nagios>NagiosCFG
- Delete Administration>Configuration>Centreon>Ndomod
- Delete Administration>Configuration>Centreon>Pollers
Go to Nagvis and delete the backend for the poller.
Manage snmp trap by on poller
Note: This feature is NOT available and stable into Centreon 2.1.13.
Author is a passionate Blogger and Writer at Dlightdaily . Dlightdaily produces self researched quality and well explained content regarding HowToGuide, Technology and Management Tips&Tricks.
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